THC - Does it make you High?


The simplest answer is yes! But that doesn't explain why and how? So let's break delta 9 thc gummies now.


As you are well aware that THC is the psychoactive compound in cannabis; it binds to receptors in your brain, which triggers a response that causes certain effects.


THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the most famous psychoactive ingredient of cannabis.


Delta 9 edibles are also what gives users who smoke marijuana its "high."


Though cannabis plants are rich with thousands of compounds, scientists and researchers are however only interested in two main chemical compounds, cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).


One of the most popular used drugs in the world is produced by harvesting and drying the blossoms of these plants.


Some refer to it as marijuana, while others refer to it as weed or pot. Names for marijuana are changing as it becomes legal in more places. Today, a growing number of individuals use the term "cannabis" to describe marijuana.

Stages of being high

Not everyone experiences the same effect as the other with thc delta 9. It's a different experience for every person. Usually, the THC levels are always varying inside the blood, especially over time. Mostly, they build until they reach their maximum strength or peak.


When that's reached, the THC starts showing off its effect pretty quickly. Just as it hits soon in the same way, it leaves quickly through urinating and stooling, making its way out of the bloodstream.


Because the THC level in the body does not remain the same and it fluctuates pretty often, a person may experience different experiences and effects of cannabis.


At its peak, a person may start to feel euphoria, and many describe it as a sledgehammer experience. THC gets serotonin and dopamine level high which usually result in euphoric effects.


Soon when the concentration of THC in the bloodstream starts to decline, a person's body begins to react and show signs of it wearing off. These include feeling hungry, getting sleepy suddenly, hitting anxiety, or mild paranoia.

Duration of THC effect lasting

The effects start to take action 10 to 30 minutes after intake and remain for roughly two hours on average.

Several factors play a role in THC effects

As said earlier, everyone's experience is not the same with the dosing and time of effect. The speed and duration at which the person experiences all these stages depend highly on multiple crucial factors.


Some of them include the way used for vaping, smoking, or ingesting the product. In the same way, strain, the potency of the product, dosing, gender, age, physiology, and frequency of usage of the person consuming the product.


Additionally, the use of alcohol or other drugs while consuming cannabis also plays a major role in how high a person can get.

Final Words

THC is increasingly being used in large amounts illegally just to get high or stoned. The word "cannabis" is frequently used to describe marijuana or weed.


Everybody experiences cannabis highs differently. Cannabis effects vary depending on the cannabis strain, the user, how frequently they take the substance, and how they're used.


So, do your research thoroughly before consuming THC at any level.



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